A BRIEF INTRODUCTION: Hello there! I’m Tess, and you’re about to read an experiment of mine. The experiment is to see how long I can keep a decent log of my writing life, and to see whether that log has any entertainment value. It’s sort of like a captain’s log, but almost definitely less exciting. Hope you enjoy!
Not a bad start to the week! Today was a bit of a slow start--I was pretty wiped out from the day before, both physically and mentally. It was a fun day, but it also included socializing with over 10 people I’d never met before, all at once, along with a few people I had. I’d rank myself pretty high on the introvert scale, so this was exhausting for me. And I’m still physically sore from the strange exertion of trying to stay upright in incredibly slippery, muddy, puddle-spotted climes.
Anyway, pushed myself to finish the scene I was working on, and pushed right on up from around 800 to over 1K. Hell yeah!
Serving nothing but spooky lewks over here. This picture was not taken in October.
Jumped back in the narrative to a place I’d skipped before. I’m glad I skipped it before (and a quick shout-out to Scrivener for making non-linear writing moments ten times easier than in Word) because I think I’m doing better work on it now than I would have then. But it is something of a tough scene--not quite as exciting as the ones I just wrote, but still important to the plot and the information. I feel like I need to pump up the emotion in the scene, but that might need to wait for an editing pass. For now, I’m just glad to have some of these ideas committed to page.
Did some quick math today, and if I keep hitting 4K work weeks, I should be finished with this draft in less than 8 weeks. If I hit more like 5K, should be even less. I mean, obviously my preference would be to have it done yesterday, but uhhhhhhh too late for that. (Editing note: that’s also assuming that I’m *correct* on exactly how many words this draft may require, which...may not be the case.)
Thursday! Finished up the scene from Tuesday and worked on a bit of cleanup, though I think I need to do a more thorough organization/clean up soon. But not today. Also got in a decent workout today, though I’m a bit sore from some extra intense push-ups the other day.
Also...spent some of this evening speaking to my brother, who is definitely going through something at the moment. I don’t want to go into specifics about the conversation, so I’m just going to tell you that my brother is a very good boy, and he likes Stargate and incomprehensible EDM music. And he built a guitar amp on his own. Which, in my head, sounds like “guitar ramp.”
I didn’t take a lot of pictures this week, so…here’s a selfie. Yellow blush and wet hair for the win.
How many times can a person watch Hocus Pocus in one month? NEVER TOO MANY I TELL YA. Or, at least, twice is not too many. This was actually my second ever full viewing, and I gotta say...I think I liked it better the second time? Is that usual? Like, the first time, I definitely got more hung up on the silly/cheesy/kid-movie-moments, and I think that dampened some of my enjoyment. But the second time around, I knew what was coming, and...I don’t know, I was just able to enjoy it more. The women playing the three witches are just having such a good time and committing to their own silliness in a way that’s just delightful, and I love it.
A Halloween Cordelia.
I realize I’m not the first to point this out, but Bette Midler is a goddamn treasure.
I did, at one point, have plans with a friend today, but they canceled on me. At the last minute. Again. Mere months after us having a fight over this exact same behavior. And you know, the worst part is that I totally could have predicted this, but it still has a dampening effect on my mood.
In the end, I concluded that I need to take a break to committing to 1-on-1 time with this particular friend. We can still do group hang-outs, because those times don’t rely on this one person showing up. And the rest of my friends generally do show up when they’ve committed to do so.
Ah well. Mediocre word count, but eh. It was good enough.
Weekly total: 4,318
Surplus: 318
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