A BRIEF INTRODUCTION: Hello there! I’m Tess, a writer of dark urban fantasy stories, and you’re about to read an experiment of mine. The experiment is to see how long I can keep a decent log of my writing life as I write the first draft of my third book--and to see whether that log has any entertainment value. You could think of it like a captain’s log...but it’s almost definitely less exciting. Hope you enjoy!
Pretty decent count for a Monday! I spend a lot of it writing the rest of my outline--I basically never wrote an outline for the actual climax/end of the story, and that’s where I’m at now, so...time to write that outline!
Also had my buddy Skype session tonight. Speaking of which, since I haven’t actually said it here...the podcast is on a temporary hold. We’ve still got a good couple of hours recorded, but I just have to focus on getting this novel done right now. And as much as I enjoy audio editing, it is super time-consuming. So, I will go back to it soon! But book 3 comes first!
There was a dearth of pictures this week.
Got in a decent workout, though I’m worrying about my left arm a bit. I’m not sure if I’m over-using it, or sleeping on it wrong, or what. Did some extra stretches to try to work on it, and I think I might have found a new one that helps a bit. Bodies so complicated!
Watched the Fyre Festival documentary while I did my workout and ate dinner. Honestly, I feel like the craziest thing about it is that...it’s not that surprising. Corporate culture in America expects workers to dedicate themselves entirely to their work, and not to question their higher-ups at all. And it gives those higher-ups absolute control, so the voices that offer dissent are immediately silenced. That’s late-stage capitalism for ya.
Pictured: late stage capitalism.
Anyway, then I did some writing. THE END IS SO CLOSE I CAN TASTE IT. And yet so much writing still stands between us.
Sometimes I think I talk about rape culture too much, but then sometimes I watch two movies in a row, both picked somewhat at random, and they *both* feature extended almost-rape scenes. And sometimes the next day, I watch an episode of the X-Files, ALSO picked at random, and it features a literal ghost-rape scene. IDK GUYS MAYBE THERE’S TOO MUCH RAPE IN MEDIA OR SOMETHING.
So...probably adding “rape culture” as a future essay topic. Because I really want to feel the wrath of the misogynist side of the internet, you know? It’s been a while since someone harassed me online, and sometimes you just miss that fire, ya know?
Is my sarcasm coming through yet?
NEVER STOP CELEBRATING A FRIDAY WORD COUNT. I realize that the content of this blog might suggest that I have always successfully hit a word count on Fridays, but I swear, that is not true. Anyway, this particular Friday ended in a moderately healthy home-cooked meal, because all my friends are on diets again, self included, and my first time watching Sailor Moon, OG.
Naturally, I could not stop pointing out which characters had clear Buffy analogues. Many of these were only sorta good, but oh my god, has anyone ever noticed that TUXEDO MASK AND ANGEL ARE THE SAME DAMN CHARACTER?? Except usually Angel shows up in Act 2 to say a few cryptic things, be hot and mysterious, and disappear again, whereas Tuxedo Mask shows up closer to the end to say cryptic things and be hot and then disappear. Also...Buffy generally doesn’t need reminding of how to use a stake, but you know, apart from that, COMPLETELY THE SAME.
Had a hot pot night with my buds, but then gracefully recused myself from movie-watching afterward because I had only written 500 words so far. DO YOU SEE THE SACRIFICES I MAKE?? Anyway, getting closer and closer to that last big fight, whoo!
Side note, hot pot is a pretty dicey proposition for a vegetarian, y’all. But that rolled tofu is weird and delicious.
Alsooooo HIT THAT STEALTH GOAL! WAHOO! Happy NaNoWriMo, internet buds.
Weekly total: 5,429
Surplus: 1,429
A triumphant but sleepy Cordelia. Also, the only picture actually taken this week.
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Alternately, if you’ve never heard of The Choronzon Chronicles before, but you think you might check it out, you can find the first book right here: Shadow Summoner.