What if the Dinosaurs in Jurassic Park Ate All the Tech Bros?

Woman Inherits the Earth: Jurassic Park

In this, the Jurassic Park episode of the pod, Beth and Tess discuss the origin of our show’s name! Other topics include loving a movie so much you have no choice but to nitpick it, the endless appeal of Jeff Goldblum, Beth’s argument for why Muldoon should have survived, and what Jurassic Park might have to say about the coming AI apocalypse.

Content warning: discussion of movie deaths.

Extra Spoiler Note: This episode contains mild spoilers for all 3 original Jurassic Park movies, the first Jurassic World movie, Schindler’s List, and Alien.

A note about spoilers: As much as we’d love to make this a spoiler-free podcast, the truth is, we can’t really get much of a discussion going without completely spoiling the plot of the film we’re talking about. If you don’t want to be spoiled, watch the movie before you listen to us.

Special thanks to aceinet, who recorded our intro and outro song, “Floyd Filtertron DA Shuffle.”

PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/WomanInheritstheEarth

Find Tess at https://www.tessadair.com/

Find Beth on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/stl_writer_beth/ or on Facebook at bethvonbehrenWRITER.

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