Is Captain Marvel a Movie or an MCU Lore Dump?

Woman Inherits the Earth: Captain Marvel

Quick programming note: due to a technical error, we lost about half of our original recording and had to record a new ending. This has resulted in a bit of repetition and awkwardness, which we’ve done our best to edit around.

In this, the Captain Marvel episode of the pod, Beth and Tess discuss the neverending nature of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the multiple different Captain Marvels of comics, the ever-endearing Samuel L. Jackson, Blockbuster and 90s nostalgia, and the convoluted lore of Captain Marvel.

Content warning: coarse language, minor discussion of violence. This one is actually pretty light, folks!

A note about spoilers: As much as we’d love to make this a spoiler-free podcast, the truth is, we can’t really get much of a discussion going without completely spoiling the plot of the film we’re talking about. If you don’t want to be spoiled, watch the movie before you listen to us.

Special thanks to aceinet, who recorded our intro and outro song, “Floyd Filtertron DA Shuffle.”


Find Tess at

Find Beth on Instagram or on Facebook at bethvonbehrenWRITER.

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